The model UN Program
Global Citizenship • Teamwork • Critical Thinking • Executive Function • Research • Literacy Skills
In June of 2017, Executive Director Chloe Reed and Upper Elementary teacher Ray West participated in the MMUN training in order to bring the program to Montessori del Mar Community School. All students in the upper classroom will participate in the classroom study component and those who choose will attend the MMUN conference. The MMUN experience is extended to the entire MdM learning community through student presentations and debates performed for the lower classroom students and parents.
Maria Montessori supported the work of the League of Nations and its successor the United Nations as a forum where peace could be created. She recognized the hope for peace lay in the education of children.
Montessori Model United Nations has partnered with the United Nations to create a program for Montessori students who at the sensitive period for reason, justice and morality can participate in a life changing experience.
The Montessori Model United Nations program culminates classroom study with a two day global education simulation experience at the United Nations that enables students in upper elementary, and middle schools to learn about the operations of the United Nations and its role as the world’s largest international peacekeeping and humanitarian organization. In addition, like the high school and university Model United Nations Programs, MMUN provides students from 9-15 years of age an opportunity to:
Learn about cultures, governments and peoples of nations throughout the world.
Use research skills, writing skills and written & oral communications skills.
Develop critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and evaluative skills.
Debate current global issues and world problems.
Practice and use leadership skills in a real life global situation.
Understand the need for peace and conflict resolution throughout the world while developing their own conflict resolution and debating skills.